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Showing posts from August, 2017

Why People Nowadays Starts Losing Their Faith: My Perspective

I actually have to do my works, doing some of my assignments, but here I am trying to write something out of my mind. I just googled so many things about people and religion nowadays and don't find any interesting answer for my questions: why are people losing their faith? Why people nowadays seems to not care or decided to abandon religions? Is it outdated now? Or are we people are the one with massive changes so that religions can no more accommodate man needs? Well I think I found the answer within myself. From my perspective, it's neither the religions nor mankind fault. I think it's because human have evolved so much thanks to science developments that are still going rapidly, we now know more about this world, even we are now dare to speculate about another life existing outside the earth. People have become awarer than ever before, but not improving their critical thinking skills (this is from my point of view, I haven't conducted any research on this, though...